I am a bad blogger. :( I had a massive brain fart and forgot to pass this on.
I was so honored to receive The Liebster award from Michele at
Michele's Craft Room
The origins of the Liebster Blog award are unclear but the general consensus is that it originated in Germany. Liebster meaning favorite or dearest, to showcase bloggers with fewer than 200 followers. Upon accepting the award the recipient must pass it on to five more blogs of note.
Here's what you do as a presenter of this award!
1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.
2. Link back to the blogger who presented the award to you.
3. Copy and paste the blog award on your blog.
4. Present the Liebster Blog Award to 5 blogs of 200 followers or less who you feel deserve.
5. Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment at their blog.
So it is my turn to pass along this honor.
Heather is so talented. I actually got to meet her today and she is super nice :)
I always love what Jennie creates, plus she has a super cool accent :)
She makes such adorable projects :)
Another very sweet and talented lady :)
She is very new to blogging and has some cute projects.
So Thank you very much Michele, and please go check out the ladies I have chosen.